“The good news is that even if there is a payment that wasn’t delivered, she’s still eligible for that money. So either her November money payments will make up for the difference by December, or she will get that money at tax time,” said Sabrina De Santiago, Golden State Opportunity (GSO) spokesperson. GSO helps people receive the financial resources they are eligible for.

De Santiago said the delays that many people are experiencing could be because of a processing backlog or child custody issues. She is advising people to update their information with the IRS. That can be done on their website.

“An important thing to note is the 15th is the last day to use the updates portal and to get your information in so that people can still get their December payments. We want to make sure people are receiving those funds, and if for some reason you haven’t, please remember to file your taxes and claim this money for you and your family at tax time,” De Santiago said.

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