CalEITC Coalition - AB2589 on ABC7


The CalEITC Coalition, co-led by GSO, GRACE/End Child Poverty, and United Way, is very busy this spring pushing state leaders to pass policies that will help struggling families cope with rising costs in grocery stores and gas stations. Recently, the Coalition joined a press conference with Assemblymember Miguel Santiago calling for passage of AB2589, a bill that would provide $2,000 per child to families who earned less than $30,000. The Assembly recently voted to pass AB2589 and now it goes on to the Senate. If signed into the law, the bill would keep 1.7 million children from falling into poverty.


CalEITC Coalition AB2589 on CBSLA


The CalEITC Coalition is also calling for state leaders to pass SB 860, championed by Senator Susan Rubio, which would help 55,000 families without income qualify for the Young Child Tax Credit, worth up to $1,000 for children under 6. The Senate recently voted to unanimously pass SB 860. The Coalition is now encouraging Assembly leaders to follow suit. These common sense policy solutions would go a long way toward fighting child poverty in California and making a major difference for families. We’ll keep fighting to get these bills into the final budget and put more dollars in the pockets of families in California.

Read more about GSO’s advocacy here.