Tell Republicans in Congress to prioritize tax relief for children, families, and working people

Republicans in Congress are currently working on an end-of-year tax deal that includes tax cuts for corporations. We want to make sure that Republican leaders on the House Ways and Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee also prioritize children, families and working people. They can do so by expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) in any tax deal, putting cash back in the pockets of people who truly need it.

The EITC and CTC have been recognized as effective tax relief programs for reducing poverty in the United States. However, 19 million children are currently excluded from receiving the full CTC because their parents earn too little income to qualify. 7 million younger and senior workers are also excluded from claiming the EITC simply because of their age.

In 2021, both the EITC and CTC were temporarily expanded, lifting 20 million people out of poverty, including over 5 million children. The CTC’s temporary expansion had unprecedented impacts on American society by reducing child poverty by nearly 50%. However, the temporary expansion of the EITC and CTC expired in 2022 resulting in millions of workers and children falling back into poverty.

Please tell Republicans in Congress that children, families, and working people must be a priority in an end-of-year tax deal. There should not be any tax breaks for corporations without expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit.